

频道:生活百科 日期: 浏览:


坐地铁是on the subway,因为坐车坐船,都用介词on。例句:

1、Written on the subway walls and tenement halls. 被写在了地铁和房屋大厅的墙上。

2、I left his relativity paper on the subway. 我把他的相对论论文忘在地铁上了。

3、I think one day I saw this suspect on the subway. 我想有一天我在地铁上见过这个嫌疑犯。

4、I happened to meet an old friend on the subway. 我在地铁里碰巧遇见了一位老朋友。

5、A girl was in trouble on the subway. 一个女孩在地铁碰到了麻烦。

6、In addition, using smart phones on shaking buses or on the subway will cause eyes train. 此外,在晃动的公车和地铁中使用智慧型手机也会让眼睛疲劳。


二者皆是乘地铁的意思,不同的是:by metro是介词短语做状语,take a metro则是动词短语做谓语。

如:I often go to workby metro.我常常乘地铁上班,介词by是靠什么的意思,依靠地铁,by metro在句中作方式状语。

又如:Hetakes a metro to the railway station.他坐地铁去车站,takes动词,乘坐的意思,在句中作谓语,metro名词作宾语,to the railway station不定式作目的状语。


How 掸袱侧惶乇耗岔同唱括does Mary go to school?  By subway  满意请采纳,谢谢


She goes to school by underground. 她乘地铁上学. She takes the underground to school. 她乘地铁上学. She transports herself to school by underground. 她用地铁将自己送去学校 英式的地铁是"underground",美式的地铁是"subway". She goes to school by subway. She takes the subway to school. She transports herself to school by subway. 第三句是很生硬的句式. 学生日常通常都用前两句. 希望能帮到你.


他骑自行车去学校。He rides a bike to school.He goes to school by bike.He goes to school on bike. 她乘坐地铁去学校。She goes to school by subway. She takes the subway to school .She is in the su氦激份刻莓灸逢熏抚抹bway for school . 希望对你有帮助。

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