

频道:生活百科 日期: 浏览:


Hello teachers.My name is ***.I’m 19 years old now.I’m from**.Glad to be here today.My major is international finance and trade.I love my major,so I’m gonna study hard.Everybody’s keen on sth.,isn’t it? I like surfing online,playing basketball and listening to music.I’m good at running,especially sprint,such as 100 meters.The country I’m dreaming to visit is Spain,which is a very beautiful country.My favorite animal is dog,as it’s so cute.My biggest hobby is playing basketball,and i’ve dreamt to be a professional player,but I’m not tall enough.So my present goal is to study hard,and pass Toefl in the first year.Thank you. 你好老师。我的名字是* * *。我19岁了。我来自* *。很高兴今天来到这里。我的专业是国际金融和贸易。我爱我的专业,所以我要努力学习。每个人的喜欢某事。,不是吗? 我喜欢上网,打篮球和听音乐。我擅长跑步,尤其是短跑,如100米。这个国家我做梦去西班牙,这是一个非常美丽的国家。我最喜欢的动物是狗,因为它很可爱。我最大的爱好是打篮球,我梦想成为一名职业球员,但我不够高。所以我现在的目标是努力学习,并通过托福考试的第一年。谢谢你!


普通点的,内容包括 早上好 很高兴可以参加这次面试,我来自XXX 毕业于XXX 毕业后在烟台实习 ……………… good morning, my name XX, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am XX years old,born in XX province ,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX university.my major isXX.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET46 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend  several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law w……余下全文


中文意思:您好!我今年27岁,出生于湖南省,毕业于长沙学院通信专业,2010年取得学士学位证书,在校期间努力学习通过了英语四级考试,掌握了基本专业知识。2010年7月就职于深圳一家监理公司担任监理工程师,由于个人原因辞职后在湖南一家监理公司担任过工程师。2013年8月进入中兴精诚科技有限公司,接触核心网,希望在核心网领域有更好的发展问题补充: 在线等,急! 买奈木乙日** !


下个月就要去新加坡留学 2周后有个面试 我要怎么自我介绍 求一份稿子 英文的 我是高二 女 本人英文水平不是很好~…… 以下问题可否做个回答(英文版)官方点就可以了……1.What’s your purpose to go to Singapore?2.Will you came back to China?3.If you can choose Peking University or Tsinghua University in china, Singapore national university as well, which one would you like and why?4.If you like literature, will you like tragedies or comedies more? And why?5.What’s your plan for the future?6.What do you like best?7.Could you interpret your value in your mind?8.What’s your goal? How will you achieve it?9.Do you have an idol in your mind? Who and why?10How do you like your high school entrance examination? 你先写中文答案。不要做伸手党。


后天去杭州长安福特面试,邮件里通知我准备一段简单的英文自我介绍,介绍个人的基本信息和工作经历。我想问下各位,我事先在写在纸张上,然后面试的时候直接照着纸上的念吗?还是要我背出来?知道的告诉我一下。 你能背出来的话,对方肯定会看到你的自信和才能。




求、面试英文版自我介绍一份大约3分钟!面试机场地勤用的、拒绝翻译器!!!先谢过各位大神啦~ My name is XXX, you can call me XX.Im XX years old,has graduated from XX university and my major is XX.In my colledge, my favorite subject is XX since learning XX can help me to be more profession in this job.Ive worked for XX years in XX company, and my position was XX. This job provided me experiences of XX job. So in my point of view, I can successfully take over this job. Thank you very much.


内容是:我是高三的,想去面试空姐,求一篇简单点的自我介绍,急用,谢了! 这个还不简单,百度翻译什么问题都解决了 。

急求建设银行面试自我介绍 中文+英文

本人英语专业 应届毕业生 求一2分钟内自我介绍 后天面试 速求回答 我是。成绩平平。无特别辉煌的时候。专业知识也不怎么样。本人不怎么开朗、、如何自我介绍呢?塑造一个尽管不活泼成绩不咋滴但是人还不错是可造之才之类的自我介绍嘞?从我负责单位人力资源招聘的角度给你提出几点建议,供你参考,1、带多几份简历前往面试,没有比当被要求提供多一份简历而你却没有更能显示你缺乏准备的事了。带多几份简历,面试你的人可能不止一个,预先料到这一点并准备好会显得你做事正规、细致。2、留心你自己的身体语言,尽量显得精警、有活力、对主考人全神贯注。用眼神交流,在不言之中,你会展现出对对方的兴趣。3、初步印象和最后印象。最初和最后的五分钟是面试中最关键的,在这段时间里决定了你留给人的第一印象和临别印象以及主考人是否欣赏你。最初的五分钟内应当主动沟通,离开的时候,要确定你已经被记住了。4、完整地填妥公司的表格——即使你已经有简历。即使你带了简历来,很多公司都会要求你填一张表。你愿意并且有始有终地填完这张表,会传达出你做事正规、做事善始善终的信息。5、紧记每次面试的目的都是获聘。你必须突出地表现出自己的性格和专业能力以获得聘请。面试尾声时,要确保你知道下一步怎么办,和雇主什么时候会做决断。6、清楚雇主的需要,表现出自己对公司的价值,展现你适应环境的能力。7、要让人产生好感,富于热情。人们都喜欢聘请容易相处且为公司自豪的人。要正规稳重,也要表现你的精力和兴趣。8、要确保你有适当的技能,知道你的优势。你怎么用自己的学历、经验、受过的培训和薪酬和别人比较。谈些你知道怎么做得十分出色的事情,那是你找下一份工作的关键。9、展示你勤奋工作追求团体目标的能力,大多数主考人都希望找一位有创造力、性格良好,能够融入到团体之中的人。你要必须通过强调自己给对方带来的好处来说服对方你两者皆优。10、将你所有的优势推销出去,营销自己十分重要,包括你的技术资格,一般能力和性格优点,雇主只在乎两点:你的资历凭证、你的个人性格。你能在以往业绩的基础上工作并适应公司文化吗?谈一下你性格中的积极方面并结合例子告诉对方你在具体工作中会怎么做。11切忌侃侃而谈,用事先准备好台词上场背诵,衣着要简朴,遇到不懂的不要装懂。表示出谦虚的样子。即使答对,也不要盛气凌人。因为你的经历比考官差得很远。祝你成功


我15,身高167,体重50KG,特长钢琴舞蹈声乐。谢谢 Hello,my name is ( ),I am fifteen.My heavy is 50Kg.My height is 1.67m.I am form ( ).I can play the piano,dance.


自我介绍:我是***大学一名大四学生。主修鞋靴设计专业。我曾经学习过基础的鞋类检测课程,主要是物理检测方面的(抗拉力检测、抗磨损检测、抗弯折检测)。我觉得相对于设计,我更喜欢检测。你知道的,因为“设计”杀死了我很多脑细胞。我热爱学习,在2012年获得过一次奖学金。我有较强的组织能力和团队合作能力。曾在学生会工作并且成功组织过一次十佳歌手比赛,从策划到报名到申请场地等等都是我与学生会同事一起完成。我喜欢在外地甚至国外工作。因为这样可以让我见识更多的不同的文化,学习更多的知识,我觉得这是一件让人兴奋的事情。而且我曾经与我爸爸沟通过,他支持我的想法。我喜欢不同国家的文化,比如印度的海娜艺术。我非常喜欢贵公司的工作方式和企业文化。希望能到在贵公司的到一个学习的机会,我会尽快的学习好课程,然后以我的忠诚和热情为贵公司献出一份自己的力量。 Self-introduction:I am a senior student of XXX College(University) majoring in Footwear Design.I had learnt the basic course of footwear tests before, mainly in the aspect of physical testing (tensile test, abrasion resistance,bending test). Compared with designing, I am more in favor of testing. As you know, “designing” kills a lot of my brain cells.I have passion for study and I had won a scholarship in 2012. I have a strong organizing and teamwork capability; I had been involved in the work of student council and had successfully organized a Top Ten Singers Competition, from planning, signing up to venue application etc., all these were accomplished by me with the help of Student Council members.I like to work in other places even overseas, because this will allow me to experience more different cultures and learn more knowledge; I think this is very exciting. Moreover, I had shared my thoughts with my father and he supports me. I like the cultures of different countries such as the Henna Art of India.I am very much interested in your companys work style and corporate culture and I hope to get a learning opportunity in your company. I shall complete my study course soonest possible and then contribute my share of efforts to your company with my enthusiasm and loyalty. 注:既然说了,就要在面试前充分掌握该公司的企业文化。您是要去 Bata ?

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