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Faulkner, William (Cuthbert),原名William Cuthbert Falkner。


English version:


Faulkner, William (Cuthbert)

U.S. writer. Born i(有哪些干净治愈且阳光的文案短句?1、记得在这杂乱的生活里,每天带点笑意。2、慢品人间烟火色,闲观万事岁月长。3、把不忙不闲的工作做得出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩。4、生活有望穿秋水的等待,也会有意想不到的惊喜。5、请你努力奔跑,美好的事情在等着你。)n New Albany, Miss., he dropped out of high school and only briefly attended college. He spent most of his life in Oxford, Miss. He is best known for his cycle of works set in fictional Yoknapatawpha Co., which becomes an emblem of the American South and its tragic history. His first major novel, The Sound and the Fury (1929), was marked by radical technical experimentation, including stream of consciousness. His American reputation, which lagged behind his European reputation, was boosted by As I Lay Dying (1930), Light in August (1932), Absalom, Absalom! (1936), and Go Down, Moses (1942), which contains the story “The Bear.” The Portable Faulkner (1946) finally brought his work into wide circulation, and he won the Nobel Prize in 1949. His Collected Stories (1950) won the National Book Award. He also wrote movie scripts, a play, and two volumes of poems. Both in the U.S. and abroad, especially in Latin America, he was among the most influential writers of the 20th century.

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